Nathalie Söderqvist / actress


Här är ”sovreklamen”.
Here’s the ”sleeping commercial”.


Sova på jobbet

Me and my co-star Lukas trying not to fall asleep in the comfy bed.

Me and my co-star Lukas trying not to fall asleep in the comfy bed.

Tidigare i år var jag i Skåne för att spela in en reklamfilm och jag tror att det var det mest bekväma jobbet jag någonsin haft. Jag skulle ”sova”. Och sängen var hur skön som helst, så det var lite svårt att inte somna på riktigt. Resultatet av inspelningen lägger jag upp imorgon 🙂


Earlier this year I was in Skåne (the southern part of Sweden) to shoot a commercial and it truly was the most comfortable job I’ve ever had. My job was to ”sleep”. And the bed was soooo comfy, that it was hard not to fall asleep for real. I will post the commercial tomorrow 🙂

The team is preparing for the shoot.

The team is preparing for the shoot.


What a beautiful ceiling!

What a beautiful ceiling!


Our location.

This amazing house was the location of the shoot.


The view from the tower of the house.

The view from the tower of the house.


Glengarry Glen Ross

On set shooting a scene from Glengarry Glen Ross.

On set shooting a scene from Glengarry Glen Ross.


I veckan var jag på USC och filmade en scen ur Glengarry Glen Ross. Innan själva filmdagen hade vi repat scenen inför klassen och deras professor som en del i regissörens utbildning. Glengarry Glen Ross är en pjäs skriven av David Mamet, men den har även filmatiserats (1992). I originalet är karaktärerna i scenen vi gjorde män; min roll, James/Jamie Lingk, spelades av Jonathan Pryce. Inspelningen gick väldigt smidigt och var över alldeles för fort. Om någon vecka får vi se resultatet.


This past week I was at USC to film a scene from Glengarry Glen Ross. Before the actual filming we had rehearsed the scene in front of the class and their professor as a part of the director’s education. Glengarry Glen Ross is a play written by David Mamet, but it has also been made into a film version (1992). In the original screen play all characters in the scene we did were men; my role, James/Jamie Lingk, was played by Jonathan Pryce. The shoot went very smoothly and was over way to fast. In a week or two the scene will be edited and ready to watch.


The actors, Stephanie, Nathalie, Stefanie and Tiffany, and the director Ante.

The actors, Stephanie, Nathalie, Stefanie and Tiffany, and the director Ante.


The team is setting up the camera for Stephanie's shot.

The team is setting up the camera for Stephanie’s shot.


The last shot of the day.

Preparations for the last shot of the day.


Happy ladies after a fun day of filming.

Happy ladies after a fun day of filming.





Här är reklamfilmen jag spelade in i Stockholm i mars.

This is the commercial I shot in Stockholm in March.



The whole film team of the day: writers and producers Sue and Greg, and actor Sean.

The whole film team of the day: writers and producers Sue and Greg, and actor Sean.


I förra veckan hade jag min första inspelningsdag på kortfilmen Spin Cycle. Vi filmade på några olika platser i Los Feliz, bland annat i Barnsdall Art Park. Där finns arkitekten Frank Lloyd Wrights första Los Angeles-byggnad, Hollyhock House, som stod färdig 1921. Huset är döpt efter Aline Barnsdalls favoritblomma, stockrosen, och temat går igen på väggar, vid taklinjen och på pelare.

Förutom Hollyhock House gillade jag också tallparken väldigt mycket och utsikten mot Griffith Park och resten av LA.


Last week I had my first day on the short film Spin Cycle. We filmed on several locations around Los Feliz, among others at Barnsall Art Park. I hadn’t heard of the park before, but I was thrilled to visit it. Mainly because architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s first Los Angeles project was built here in 1921. It’s called Hollyhock House, named after Aline Barndall’s favorite flower. The flower is incorporated in the building on walls, the roofline and column planters.

In addition to Hollyhock House, I also liked the pine tree garden very much as well as the view towards Griffith Park and the rest of LA.


Hollyhock House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. with the hollyhock represented on the wall.

Hollyhock House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. with the hollyhock represented on the wall.


Me and my co-star Sean, who plays my boyfriend, in the pine tree garden.

Me and my co-star Sean, who plays my boyfriend, in the pine tree garden.




Ghost or just scary? This was my first look, but then they changed their mind and I turned into something else.

Ghost or just scary? This was my first look, but then they changed their mind and I turned into something else.

Musikvideos är roligt att göra, även fast det ofta är långa dagar, för man hamnar nästan jämt på ställen man aldrig skulle komma till annars och får göra saker som man annars inte skulle göra. Den här gången var vi i öknen i Lancaster, ca 1,5 timmes bilfärd (utan trafik) norr om Hollywood. Den sista halvtimmen åker man på jordvägar och det är bara öken och öken och ibland dyker det upp något enstaka hus. Platsen där vi filmade har använts i flera filmsammanhang och det kan man förstå. Det är ett otroligt vackert och spännande landskap.

Jag får inte berätta några detaljer om inspelningen, men så snart videon är släppt lägger jag upp den här på bloggen. med lite bilder från inspelningen.


Music videos are fun to do, even though the days are long, because you often end up at places you never would see otherwise and get to do things you wouldn’t do at a film or TV job. This time we filmed in the desert outside Lancaster, about a 1.5 hour drive (without traffic) north of Hollywood. The last half hour of the drive you travel on dirt roads and everywhere is just the desert and occasionally a house. The location we were at has been used in may TV and film production, which isn’t hard to understand; it’s an incredibly beautiful and interesting landscape.

I can’t tell you any details about the shoot, but as soon as the video is released I will post it here along with some photos from the shoot.


Here we shot one scene.

Here we shot one scene.


Fascinating and beautiful rocks.

Fascinating and beautiful rocks.


The make up trailer.

The make up trailer.


The desert.

The desert.


Sunset over the desert.

Sunset over the desert.



The first scene of the day with Marcus.

The first scene of the day with Marcus.

Lite hastigt och lustigt åkte jag hem till Stockholm för att spela in en reklamfilm. Åtta timmar efter att jag landat på Arlanda var jag på plats i Saltsjö-Duvnäs utanför Stockholm redo för dagens äventyr. Den första scenen spelade vi in utomhus. Våren är på väg till Stockholm, men just den här morgonen var det lite solfattigt och kyligt. I filmen ska det vara senvår/sommar, så vi kunde inte ha några varma kläder på oss under tagningarna, men så fort kameran var avstängd kom kostymören Emma med varma jackor till oss. Dock hade vi det inte värst kan ju tilläggas; statisterna hade bara badlakan på sig… Som tur var spelade vi in resten av scenerna inne i huset.


All of a sudden I had to leave LA to go to Stockholm, Sweden, for a commercial shoot. Eight hours after landing at the airport I was on set in Saltsjö-Duvnäs outside Stockholm ready for the adventure of the day. The first scene was shot outside. The spring is on its way to Stockholm, but this morning the sun didn’t show up so it was a bit chilly. In the commercial it’s supposed to be summer, so we couldn’t wear any warm clothes during the takes, but as soon as the director said ”cut” the wardrobe stylist Emma came running with warm winter coats. Though, it was worse for the extras, who only wore bath towels… Luckily the rest of the day we got be inside.


The team preparing for the next scene.

The team preparing for the next scene.


As you can see, it was a bit chilly, but it will look as summer in the final edit.

As you can tell, it was a bit chilly outside, but it will look as summer in the final edit.


The hair and make up of the day.

The hair and make up of the day.


Loved make up artist Mikael's sweater. He made it himself!

Loved make up artist Mikael’s sweater. He made it himself!


Beautiful staircase at the location.

Beautiful staircase at the location.


Look what I found in one of the closets ;)

Look what I found in one of the closets 😉






Preparing for a shot in the ad agency.

Preparing for a shot at the ad agency.


Nu i veckan jobbade jag tre dagar på en norsk långfilm som delvis spelas in här i Los Angeles. Jag spelade en ”ad agency executive” på reklambyrån där filmen tar sin början.


This past week I worked three days on a Norwegian feature film that, partly, is shot here in Los Angeles. I play an ”ad agency executive” at the ad agency where the story begins.


With Daniel and Adam, who played my co-executive respectively our client.

With Daniel and Adam, who played my co-executive respectively our client.


One shot in the lobby was filmed through a mobile phone.

One shot in the lobby was filmed through a mobile phone, which is being set up in the background.



Self tape auditions

My friend Dany helps me with my self tapes.

My friend Dany helps me an early morning with one of my self tapes.


De första veckorna tillbaka i Los Angeles har varit fullspäckade med auditions och ovanligt många av dem har varit self tape auditions, dvs. att du filmar din audition själv och skickar den till casting directorn (rollsättaren) istället för att göra den ”live”. Ofta behöver du då en reader, dvs. en person som läser motspelarens repliker, så mina snälla vänner (och tillika fantastiska skådespelare) Dany och Jani har ställt upp tidiga morgnar och med kort varsel för att hjälpa mig.

Det finns både för- och nackdelar med self tapes. En fördel är att du kan göra hur många tagningar du vill – hos en casting director har du oftast bara ett försök på dig. En nackdel är att du kan göra hur många tagningar du vill… Vilket innebär att det tar lång tid att titta igenom materialet och sedan välja ut den tagning du tycker var allra bäst och den du ska skicka.


My first weeks back in Los Angeles have been filled with auditions, and many of them have been self tape auditions. A self tape audition is when you film your audition yourself and send it to the casting director instead of meeting her/him and doing it ”live”. Usually you need a reader – someone who reads the other person’s lines – so my dear friends (and amazing actors) Dany and Jani has come by early mornings and with short notice to help me.

There are pros and cons with self tapes. One advantage is that you can do as many takes as you want to, to make it perfect – at the casting director’s office you usually only get one take. One disadvantage is that you can do as many takes as you want to, to make it perfect… Which means that it will take you quite some time to watch everything and to decide which take is the best one, the one you will send to the casting director.

Sometimes you have to be creative to, for example, get a great lighting.

Sometimes you have to be creative to, for example, get a great lighting.

Screenshots från en del av senaste veckans self tapes:
Screenshots from some of the last week’s self tapes:

selftape (2)

selftape (3)

selftape (7)

selftape (5)

selftape (6)




Photo credit: Ernst Henry

Photo credit: Ernst Henry


Under min vistelse i Stockholm över jul och nyår hade jag den stora äran att få bli fotograferad av fantastiska Ernst Henry och fick en massa fina bilder. Vilken är din favorit?


While I was in Stockholm in December I was honored to get a photo session with the amazing Swedish photographer Ernst Henry, and got a lot of beautiful headshots out of it. Which one is your favorite?


Photo credit: Ernst Henry

Photo credit: Ernst Henry


Photo credit: Ernst Henry

Photo credit: Ernst Henry


Photo credit: Ernst Henry

Photo credit: Ernst Henry


Photo credit: Ernst Henry

Photo credit: Ernst Henry




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