Nathalie Söderqvist / actress

Runyon Canyon – The Last Hike

Looking out over Los Angeles from the top of Runyon Canyon.

Looking out over Los Angeles from the top of Runyon Canyon.


Minst tre morgnar i veckan ”hajkar” jag i Runyon Canyon som min workout, men imorgon stängs området i fyra månader för att de ska byta ut vattenledningarna. Förutom att flåset och rumpan får sig en rejäl omgång uppför är det så avkopplande att börja dagen med att vara ute i naturen, höra fågelkvitter och se skalbaggar, ödlor och bin när man går nedför. Och att blicka ut över LA när man nått toppen – det ger mig energi. Men nu kommer jag inte få se den vyn på fyra månader, så det var lite vemodigt imorse. Och inte bara för mig. Många, kanske främst hundägare, har sina ”Runyon-vänner” som de träffar på på sina rundor och som de nu inte kommer att se förrän i augusti. Folk önskade varandra trevlig sommar och drog ut lite extra på det sista varvet.


At least three mornings a week I hike in Runyon Canyon as my daily workout, but tomorrow the park will close for four months due to a water project. Apart from the workout hiking uphill it is so relaxing to start the day being in the nature, hearing birds chirping and see beetles, geckos and bees hiking downhill. And to look out over L.A. when you’ve reached the top – that gives me energy. But now I won’t get to see that view for four months, so I felt a little bit sad this last morning. And not only I. A lot of people, perhaps mainly dog owners, have their ”Runyon friends” that they meet on their hikes and that they now won’t see again until August. They wished each other a happy summer and walked a little slower to keep this last hike last a bit longer.


Sunrise over Downtown and Hollywood Hills.

Sunrise over Downtown and Hollywood Hills.


You can see the Hollywood sign from the top.

You can see the Hollywood sign from the top.


View towards Century City and Santa Monica.

View towards Beverly Hills, Century City and Santa Monica.


They're closing the trails to replace the water pipes.

They’re closing the trails to replace the water pipes.


Two of the trails with West Hollywood in the background.

Two of the trails leading up to the top, with West Hollywood in the background.


Made it to the top!

Made it to the top!


The road will be repaired during the closure.

The road will be repaired during the closure.


They'll be replacing the pipes under the tennis court as well.

They’ll be replacing the pipes under the tennis court as well.






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