Red carpet at the world premiere of "30 Days with My Brother".

Red carpet at the world premiere of ”30 Days with My Brother”.


I veckan var det världspremiär på ”30 Days with My Brother” på The Egyptian i Hollywood med efterföljande Q&A. Filmen är skriven av Omar Mora, som också spelade en av huvudrollerna. En fin film om brödraskap – ett ämne som jag nog aldrig sett på bioduken förut – med många fantastiska vyer av Los Angeles.

Jag gick dit med min vän Kim, som är producent, och den spanska skådespelaren Jesus, som inom kort kommer att flytta till LA. Efter filmen minglade vi med nya och gamla vänner. Det var en härlig stämning och vi stannade tills vi blev utslängda 😉


This past week, the movie ”30 Days with My Brother” had its world premiere at The Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood, followed by a Q&A. The movie is written by Omar Mora, who also plays one of the leads. A beautiful movie about brotherhood – a subject I don’t think I’ve ever seen on the screen before – with a lot of stunning views over Los Angeles.

I went to the event with my friend Kim, who is a producer, and the Spanish actor Jesus, who is about to move to LA. After the screening we mingled with new and old friends. It was a great evening; we stayed until they threw us out 😉


Me and Spanish actor Jesus outside The Egyptian.

Me and Spanish actor Jesus outside The Egyptian.


A lot of celebrities from the "latino community" were interviewed on the red carpet, for example Bolivian actor Reynaldo Pacheco and TV star Karen Anzoantegui.

A lot of celebrities from the ”latino community” were interviewed and photographed on the red carpet, for example Bolivian actor Reynaldo Pacheco and TV star Karen Anzoantegui.


Kim , Jesus and I at the red carpet.

Kim , Jesus and I at the red carpet.


Adrian Nunez plays one of the leads, here with friends before the screening.

Adrian Nunez plays one of the leads, here with the movie poster and his friends before the screening.


Q&A after the screening with director Michael May, writer and actor Omar Mora and actor Adrian Nunez.

Q&A after the screening with director Michael May, writer and actor Omar Mora and actor Adrian Nunez.


Mingling with old and new friends. Felipe (screenwriter), me, Ismael (actor), Kim (producer), Hugo (actor) and Johnny (actor).

Mingling with old and new friends. Felipe (screenwriter), me, Ismael (actor), Kim (producer), Hugo (actor) and Johnny (actor).