Jay Leno på Volvo-fest

Jay Leno and I.

Jay Leno and I at Volvo’s 60 years in North America party.


I lördags firade Volvo 60 år i Nordamerika med en stor fest på Paramount Pictures Studio i Hollywood. Området var fullt med Volvos från alla tidsepoker – den äldsta från 1927 – och de hade ordnat en Drive In-bio som visade klipp från filmer tv-serier där Volvo-bilar hade en ”roll”. Utöver detta fanns show rooms med bilder över Volvos historia och bjöds det på mat och dryck och underhållning. Kvällens hedersgäst var Jay Leno som kom inkörande i sin blå Volvo och sedan körde en bejublad stand up-show.


This past Saturday Volvo celebrated 60 years in North America with a big party at Paramount Pictures Studio in Hollywood. The New York Street area was filled with Volvo cars from year 1927 to the newest Volvo available on the market today. There was also a Drive In movie theatre where they showed movies and tv series that featured a Volvo and show rooms with photos telling the history of Volvo in North America. And of course a lot to eat and drink and entertainment. The guest of honor of the night was Jay Leno, who arrived in his blue Volvo, and then treated us with an outstanding stand up show.


The New York Street at Paramount Studios where the Volvo cars were lined up.

The New York Street at Paramount Studios where the Volvo cars were lined up.


Beautiful Volvo, me and Birgitta.

Beautiful Volvo, me and Birgitta.


The parade.

The parade.


Jay Leno arrives.

Jay Leno arrives.


Jay Leno is doing his stand up show.

Jay Leno is doing his stand up show.


The Drive In Movie Theatre.

The Drive In Movie Theatre.


I and Birgitta got a caricature made. Who is who...? ;)

I and Birgitta got a caricature made. Who is who…? 😉


Some of the Volvo ads showed in the history show room.

Some of the Volvo ads showed in the history show room.


Volvo never goes out of style... 60 years ago to today.

Volvo never goes out of style… 60 years ago to today.


The map over the party area.

The map over the party area.


Volvo 60 years in North America.

Volvo 60 years in North America.