Swede traveling the world

The fashionista is back

My recent health kick has naturally also had the effect that my ”passion for fashion” has been rekindled due to the very simple fact, I can wear whatever I want!

As Amy Winehouse sang…back to black is the overarching mantra of my closet. Below are a few of these past few weeks work outfits! Amusingly enough I’ve realized that because black is such a wearable color in Stockholm, I’d even venture to say it’s sort of a Stockholm uniform, I never realized exactly how much black I truly wear until I left Stockholm.

Below is today’s outfit, black dress from COS bought probably a year or so ago, paired with a pair of black shoes from Pasito in Zug. The Pasito shoes were an emergency purchase because my heels broke on the way to the office and no replacement shoes in my bag?!!

Next outfit up is the classic black dress pants from Kenzo, found them in a store called Centre Neuf in Amsterdam teamed up with a simple soft black turtleneck. Centre Neuf is unfortunately closing, but it’s truly one of my favorite stores in Amsterdam! This particular turtleneck is from Maruschka de Margot in Stockholm. Maruschka is an almost iconic store in Stockholm, filled with voluptuous furs, exclusive evening dresses and some of the best designers. Your wallet may take a hit so be forewarned?.

Laundry Industry is a Dutch brand that unfortunately no longer exists…but I just put below outfit in to prove I don’t ONLY wear black…on occasion I will branch out into the greys…

And the last outfit of the week, casual black boot cut jeans from Urban Outfitters. I found them in Austin Texas year ago, and I teamed them up with a silk blouse from MQ I found in Stockholm on my latest trip. Ok enough of the overload of selfies, but I do enjoy waking up in the morning and spending a relaxed morning with coffee getting ready for what the office has in store for the day!

If you’re also like me addicted to designer wear, whatever you do check out the Outnet! Quick delivery and great clothes at reasonable prices. Their app is great, and a fantastic selection of brands!

Stay fashionable out there?! 




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