Swede traveling the world

Beautiful Switzerland!

This weekend my lovely and I decided to stay put in Zug for the weekend, and enjoy a sunny weekend in the mountains. The weather here has also been amazing in the past few weeks, completely out of this world! Ski season really haven’t started yet and instead the summer sun has stayed around. Honest truth though, despite living here I never ski…on Sunday though I finally made it up Zugerberg on a rather sweaty but gorgeous hike! Check out the pictures below. Absolutely fantastic! The mountain is something around 1000 meters so the hike isn’t too challenging. Once you’re up there you can stop at the restaurant, before taking the ”bahn” down again.



Apart from the hiking we also checked out the wining and dining situation in Zug and Zürich. On Friday we ventured to the Sky Lounge in Zug. This is a rooftop terrace with a view of the whole of Zug. I’ve always had a weakness for rooftop bars. With the view below…it’s hard not to fall in love with life all over again! We rounded off Friday with hitting Bären Restaurant in Zug and indulging in some fondue, after all now is the season. Bären was above and beyond my expectation, live music, nice food and classic Swiss interior. Unfortunately I forgot to snap a pic, but it was great!


sky lounge view


evening view from sky lounge

Saturday was spent in Zürich. My favorite area of Zürich is probably Seefeld and we decided to pop by again a favorite spot called Schiller Bar. We had the sample menu for two for lunch…yumyumyum as always! WHat I love with Schiller when I was living just around the corner from them is that you can pop into Schiller any time of the day. It’s an equally perfect spot for a quick coffee in the morning as for a very late night drink. If you’re in the Seefeld area I can also recommend having dinner at Terrasse, a true institution in Zürich. If you on the other hand want to go over to the other side of the lake and the Sihlpost area I’d recommend trying out Helvetia Hotel and Restaurant. They have a great little terrace outside that you can sit in even during the winter, their Sunday brunch is legendary and the atmosphere is wonderful!


sample menu at brasserie schiller


brasserie schiller

All in all Zürich and Zug after fantastic places, I’m such a lucky person to have the chance to spend time in these places. If you’re thinking of visiting though…be-warned…the beauty does come with a pretty hefty price tag. Zürich is not the cheapest city to visit?.


sunset on Zugersee



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