ALMA Award – Till Astrid Lindgrens minne på Kungliga Biblioteket i Stockholm

Igår hölls den årliga ALMA Awards – Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award på Kungliga Biblioteket i Stockholm. I år gick priset till Meg Rosoff  59 år.

Hon lämnar ingen oberörd, säger juryn

Priset som delas ut i Astrid Lindgrens anda består av fem miljoner svenska kronor och är världens största internationella pris för skönlitteratur för barn och ungdomar.

Priset delades i år ut av Kulturminister Alice Bah Kuhnke och Konstrådets ordförande
Ulrika Stuart Hamilton.


Alice Bah Kuhnke. In today was the ALMA Award Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award presented at the Royal Library in Stockholm. This year's prize winner, 2016, was the American author Meg Rosoff, 59th - She never leaves the reader indifferent, says the jury. The prize money is five million Swedish crowns and is the world's largest international children's and young adult literature. Arts Council Chairman Ulrika Stuart Hamilton, Culture and Democracy Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke began the announcement of this year's recipient of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm, 2016-04-05 (c) Pelle T Nilsson/Stella Pictures
Alice Bah Kuhnke.

Gunilla Herdenberg. In today was the ALMA Award Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award presented at the Royal Library in Stockholm. This year's prize winner, 2016, was the American author Meg Rosoff, 59th - She never leaves the reader indifferent, says the jury. The prize money is five million Swedish crowns and is the world's largest international children's and young adult literature. Arts Council Chairman Ulrika Stuart Hamilton, Culture and Democracy Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke began the announcement of this year's recipient of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm, 2016-04-05 (c) Pelle T Nilsson/Stella Pictures
Gunilla Herdenberg.

Boel Westin anouce the winner - Meg Rosoff. . In today was the ALMA Award Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award presented at the Royal Library in Stockholm. This year's prize winner, 2016, was the American author Meg Rosoff, 59th - She never leaves the reader indifferent, says the jury. The prize money is five million Swedish crowns and is the world's largest international children's and young adult literature. Arts Council Chairman Ulrika Stuart Hamilton, Culture and Democracy Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke began the announcement of this year's recipient of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm, 2016-04-05 (c) Pelle T Nilsson/Stella Pictures
Boel Westin anouce the winner – Meg Rosoff.

XX. In today was the ALMA Award Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award presented at the Royal Library in Stockholm. This year's prize winner, 2016, was the American author Meg Rosoff, 59th - She never leaves the reader indifferent, says the jury. The prize money is five million Swedish crowns and is the world's largest international children's and young adult literature. Arts Council Chairman Ulrika Stuart Hamilton, Culture and Democracy Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke began the announcement of this year's recipient of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm, 2016-04-05 (c) Pelle T Nilsson/Stella Pictures

Alice Bah Kuhnke. In today was the ALMA Award Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award presented at the Royal Library in Stockholm. This year's prize winner, 2016, was the American author Meg Rosoff, 59th - She never leaves the reader indifferent, says the jury. The prize money is five million Swedish crowns and is the world's largest international children's and young adult literature. Arts Council Chairman Ulrika Stuart Hamilton, Culture and Democracy Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke began the announcement of this year's recipient of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm, 2016-04-05 (c) Pelle T Nilsson/Stella Pictures
Alice Bah Kuhnke.
Fotot: Stella Pictures
Gunilla Herdenberg. In today was the ALMA Award Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award presented at the Royal Library in Stockholm. This year's prize winner, 2016, was the American author Meg Rosoff, 59th - She never leaves the reader indifferent, says the jury. The prize money is five million Swedish crowns and is the world's largest international children's and young adult literature. Arts Council Chairman Ulrika Stuart Hamilton, Culture and Democracy Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke began the announcement of this year's recipient of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm, 2016-04-05 (c) Pelle T Nilsson/Stella Pictures
Gunilla Herdenberg.

Ulrika Stuart Hamilton. In today was the ALMA Award Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award presented at the Royal Library in Stockholm. This year's prize winner, 2016, was the American author Meg Rosoff, 59th - She never leaves the reader indifferent, says the jury. The prize money is five million Swedish crowns and is the world's largest international children's and young adult literature. Arts Council Chairman Ulrika Stuart Hamilton, Culture and Democracy Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke began the announcement of this year's recipient of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm, 2016-04-05 (c) Pelle T Nilsson/Stella Pictures
Ulrika Stuart Hamilton.

XX. In today was the ALMA Award Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award presented at the Royal Library in Stockholm. This year's prize winner, 2016, was the American author Meg Rosoff, 59th - She never leaves the reader indifferent, says the jury. The prize money is five million Swedish crowns and is the world's largest international children's and young adult literature. Arts Council Chairman Ulrika Stuart Hamilton, Culture and Democracy Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke began the announcement of this year's recipient of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm, 2016-04-05 (c) Pelle T Nilsson/Stella Pictures

Alice Bah Kuhnke. In today was the ALMA Award Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award presented at the Royal Library in Stockholm. This year's prize winner, 2016, was the American author Meg Rosoff, 59th - She never leaves the reader indifferent, says the jury. The prize money is five million Swedish crowns and is the world's largest international children's and young adult literature. Arts Council Chairman Ulrika Stuart Hamilton, Culture and Democracy Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke began the announcement of this year's recipient of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm, 2016-04-05 (c) Pelle T Nilsson/Stella Pictures
Alice Bah Kuhnke.
In today was the ALMA Award Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award presented at the Royal Library in Stockholm. This year’s prize winner, 2016, was the American author Meg Rosoff, 59th
– She never leaves the reader indifferent, says the jury.
The prize money is five million Swedish crowns and is the world’s largest international children’s and young adult literature.
Arts Council Chairman Ulrika Stuart Hamilton, Culture and Democracy Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke began the announcement of this year’s recipient of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award.
Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm, 2016-04-05
(c) Pelle T Nilsson/Stella Pictures



Lisa Sjödahl


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