Swede traveling the world

Three years and Christmas

wow last weekend my love and I celebrated three years together! The happiest years in my life and if someone had told me I would one day meet such a wonderful man I would never have believed it! As a celebration we went to Le Restaurant in Amsterdam?.


love is indeed the small things in life…

Unfortunately Monday rolled around and back to Switzerland to finish up work before a looooong daughter after Christmas break. I did manage to go out for dinner at Aklin, one of Zugs definitely best restaurants…and they certainly go all out with the Christmas mood

Aklin serves up cod with spinach

 We also got a lovely bouquet of flowers from friends to celebrate our three years…the rest of the week I’ve spent planning the Christmas food. My new favourite website is www.jameoliver.com. He has fantastic Christmas recipes, and not just one or two but loads! I’m having trouble choosing. We’ve decided that Christmas will be spent relaxing, enjoying our twosomeness, eating good food and probably a The Wire marathon…

beautiful flowers…

But I’ll post all the pictures later, now time to get ready for girls dinner at The Hoxton?


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