Swede traveling the world

Home cooking on The agenda

The past few weeks I’ve really focussen on some home cooking. When the weather goes from summer to a chill in the air, the cast iron comes out and the long cooking commences. Last weekend I cooked up both a simple stew that simmered for four hours and a chicken stew which was a bit of a play on a coq au vin. The beef stew is effectively chuck some cuts of meat in a cast iron pan, fry the off with some onions and whatever herbs you fancy. Perhaps add some tomatoes and carrots or peppers! Boil away at a low heat?

the picture may mot be too pretty but the flavoue was amazing!!

I also managed to cook up my regular banana pancakes to my loves delight!

banana pancakes and the morning newspaper on a Sunday, best start of the day

This week I’ve actually taken off work which doesn’t happen to often (and I still worked a little bit the first two days) so I want to get back on track withy diet. I haven’t really been off track, I’ve rather felt my body has decided at this point that losing 15kg was more than enough! I went to see Esther yesterday and she told me to focus for now on maintaining and perhaps in the next month we can break those final 5kgs I have to reach my goal!!


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