Swede traveling the world

Autumn has come and so has the time to snuggle

The past couple of weeks has truly shown the autumn rolling into Europe. That slight hint of cold breeze makes me want to take out my woolen sweaters and sit inside with a good book and a nice drink. Last weekend the place of choice for this relaxation was Andaz Amsterdam and the Bluespoon Bar. I’ve had the intention to go here many times during the weekend but if you want a long snooze in the morning with a good cup of java and maybe even a stop at the gym before heading to lunch Bluespoon has always been open a little too little to get the time in to go. For lunch now Bluespoon is open until 15.00.

autumn vibe

So what’s on the menu! It’s a healthy, slightly smaller dishes (however definitely not small) and delicious menu as always. I opted for the gazpacho with aged cheese, a lovely gazpacho however very rich. I often take a gazpacho because of it’s light start to any meal but this gazpacho could have sufficed as a main. Following this I had the endive salad with goat cheese. Both dishes were great and the mozzarella salad was also a great option as a starter. The only criticism was the salad nicoise…which didn’t contain any tuna!! Ok fair point it didn’t explicitly say tuna on the menu, but I think if a salad is to be called a salad nicoise tuna is a given. The ambiance at Bluespoon is lovely and I absolutely love the view of the inner garden. Surprisingly enough the place is also not too busy on a Saturday at 2 p.m. so I truly enjoyed a super relaxing lazy Saturday with a magazine or two! If you’re in town and you want a lighter and healthier lunch yet refined and relaxed Bluespoon is the choice!

rich gazpacho


yummy mozzarella


the goat cheese and endive favorite!



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