Swede traveling the world

Happy healthy cooking weekend!

Back to work after a long lazy weekend with lots of fun and of course some home cooked deliciousness! The past weekend has really been in the spirit of R&R.

I started off Saturday with trying out a quick and healthy option of oven baking some portabello mushrooms that I filled with red onion, tomatoes, an egg and feta cheese on top. I tossed them into the oven around 15 minutes on 200 degrees which works quite well but the yolk will be fairly firm then. One thing that didn’t exactly come out the way I wanted it was actually that the portabellas releases a lot of liquid which can mix with the egg whites making them a bit runny even though they are already cooked. I definitely recommend starting the day of with these beauties and a cup of java….and the portabella really fills you up for some shopping!

portabella goodness in the morning 
For Sunday I was up early…well relatively early and cooked up some of my loves favorite banana pancakes. Easy peasy lemon squeezey, just mix half a banana, handful of oatmeal and an egg together. Fry it up on low heat, flipping the pancake once and then smother the pancake with any fruit and berry goodness you like! With the oatmeal it really proves filling breakfast…and you guessed it we also trekked off to the gym for a good Sunday workout! I’m determined to reach my goal weight in the next couple of months so the healthy cooking and working out is top priority on my list.

yummy banana pancakes

Before I let you go though I have to showcase just another couple of delicious homemade beauties: firstly my home made Moroccan chicken pie. This one does take a little bit of work but worth the result. First boil a whole chicken for an hour in a buffet of spices like turmeric, saffron, cinnamon and parsley. Once the chicken is fully boiled reduce the stock down to a couple of deciliters and stir in 8 scrambled eggs to basically make scrambled eggs with the taste of the chicken stock. Then put chicken, scrambled eggs and almonds on top in a easy filo pie and bake it off in the oven. I also kept some of the stock to top off as a sauce on top. Yummy yummy!  

The other feast I whipped up was some type of Asian broth with meatballs…don’t honestly know how this one came about but I boiled up a broth made of water, fish sauce, soya sauce, lots of red peppers and ginger. Let the broth reduce while I made a few meatballs of fresh brawns and pork mince spiced with ginger, chives and salt and pepper. Then fry up the meatballs and flash boil some pak choy and some spring onions. Serve everything as a type of soup with a slice of bread on the side. Super quick work and surprisingly delicious! I already had a request on Facebook for the recipe so I hope she enjoys it.   

Happy cooking and see you soon for more recipes! PS. I did plan on becoming a chef when I finished school…and I have unhealthy levels of consumption of Masterchef so maybe the universe is trying to tell me something here;-)


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