Swede traveling the world

Enjoying the flight luxuries of life!

On one of my recent travels across the pond to NY, I had some extra time to write this post. Amongst the heavy travels it’s a well known thruth that KLM is amongst the best in the world, if not THE BEST in the world at inflight dining. A privilege of my work and heavy traveling is that I have the luxury of traveling business class. I could definitely spend a long post just discussing the joys of flying business class, however as this post is around food I’ll restrain myself from this.

On the food note, those of you who have been flying KLM as of late may have noticed that the resident chef of the past few months is Librijes Jonnie Boer. I’ve had a few airplane meals however this beats most of them!

On the flight over I started off with a type of smoke salmon roll, named “cream of smoked salmon”, followed up with a signature dish of Librije, oven baked cod in spiced juice. After this experience teamed with my previous enjoyment of the Librije inflight food I had in February flying down to Cape Town a real life visit to the famous food destination restaurant Librije is in the cards eminently…just after I squared off Beluga in Maastricht. It’s a pain to have this many lovely restaurants to visit but somebody’s got to do it;-).

If you want to check out Librije restaurant do so here

A few pictures of the dishes and the menu!!


Main course






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