Swede traveling the world

Healthy cooking

Hi all, ”finally” home after a few days on the beach and since I still haven’t reached my target weight and it was a standstill on the scale while in Schiermonnikoog I quickly hit the kitchen and whipped up below deliciousness!

carrot and crab salad with fruits and dressing

I just mixed together:

  • Blended carrots with a splash of orange juice
  • One tin of crab meat
  • Harissa baked stone fruits such as plums or peaches
  • Yoghurt and tahini dressing
  • Sprinkle some sesame seeds on top

Pure yumminess I have to admit. I came across the recipe when my sister brought the latest edition of Top Hälsa! It’s rare treat that I get my hands on some Swedish magazines so I really make sure to make the most of them when I do!!

Truly, try the recipe. It’s fab, healthy and took me literally fifteen minutes to whip together?


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