Swede traveling the world

Spending gay pride Saturday on the canals

Yesterday was gay pride in Amsterdam as well as Stockholm and the mood was high! Since the parade is on Prisengracht canal the party mood and duration of the parade is a bit longer than in Stockholm.
In the background of the canal though I warmed up with lunch at one of Amsterdams best terraces at the Amstel Hotel the A Bar. They have the most unbeatable view of the Amstel, delicious wines and cocktails and lastly and surprisingly never too packed…but probably depending on the price point which indeed is slightly higher than the average. I enjoyed a Caesar salad…which I forgot to take a pic of. I’m new to this blogging?, and a nice glass of white! 

Now I’m off with my better half on a road trip to Schiermonekoegg!

 Vacation mood with palm trees of A Bars terrace.  


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