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The Brand

The contribution I aim at, do include great pieces for those going places, but also creating a brand. Right now I am much thinking of how to express my thoughts of the products and the lines I am creating. In the end, the essential of all is ofcourse that the stuff I make, make people feel great. On the way there though, I do also really want to take the opportunity to inspire to go get it, whilst at it.…

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The Progress

Progress in The Studio, not so obvious perhaps but for me things are moving forward in fast page now. SO happy for new stuff, a delight cutting fabrics with great ”accessoires”.…

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Fab Fabrics

All this greatness.. Going crazy! Has been some time since I updated my doings, will do better. It’s so rewarding just sharing thoughts. If you wonder what I have been up to I can tell you that besides prototyping I have been somewhat busy trying to locate the fabrics and producers I want to work with. I can tell you it’s a hustle going forward, not easy but fun. Even more fun when you actually find what you look for. If…

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What is your gold?

This is where it all started. Right there, the unfiltered moment after riding silk-smooth perfect turquiose waves outside of one of the most beautiful little islands I ever visited. In the sunset, on the boatride home, feeling nothing but sheer gold in my heart. I remember thinking, what If I could live a life, where I had this gold in my heart with me always, and how I wish all people would too. Gold in your heart. Have you felt…

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