The Brand

The contribution I aim at, do include great pieces for those going places, but also creating a brand. Right now I am much thinking of how to express my thoughts of the products and the lines I am creating. In the end, the essential of all is ofcourse that the stuff I make, make people feel great. On the way there though, I do also really want to take the opportunity to inspire to go get it, whilst at it. Its all connected. Going places, following your hearts goals having the feeling and the right ”stuff” with you to get where you want to go, so in the end you might get closer to where you want to be.

Clothes might be a small part of your daily concern, but also something that can make you feel really confortable and great. If you are planning on going places, I suggest you prepare to always feel great.

The first collection is mainly female and focused on great fits, suitable for flats (think havaianas) to high heels, pieces n outfits you can go do your whole day in. From morningmeeting till late dinner with friends or perhaps the romantic dating when you are ”on the go” around in the world. I include extra width and centimeters in the designs to give that great ”freedom of movement” feeling. Knowing you can jump fences, hug someone really hard or just sip a nice Martini, all feeling at ease and nothing stoping you.

So look forward to show all designs.. Well, in due time. Leaving this great moment of Brand-Mindmapping to go producing and making use of the new super sewing-mashine, ready to go at The Studio!

Best of wishes for your day ?


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