Ageing, a modern myth

Don’t believe in ageing. It’s a modern myth. When I speak of ageing, I mean accepting degradation of body and mind as a law of nature. It’s a well spread believe and shamefully so, since age is not often valued as something positive. You might argue it more important then to change mindset of values on age and ageing, to which I would gladly reply that I agree. Let’s do both, let’s change how we understand ageing as well as how we value it.

I do not have proof for my theory that ageing is a myth, but findings and thoughts I want to share, as I believe the search for more life in life will give you just that. I was some time ago recommended a book called ”Grönt för livet” or ”Green for Life” by Victoria Boutenko. My take away from the book is that on aging we know little and that much is to be discovered. Stated truths are being reinvented as science progresses. The author presents findings that a diet on greens would support long term health, stating we should eat more like primates (monkeys) as we are basically the same species.

About the search and the find, and science moving forward. Some award winning chemists have just found some interesting stuff on DNA. You know who I mean? The winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015 states DNA can be repaired. Read more here if you are interested. Boutenkos conclusion is that a great amount of greens in your daily diet can help repair and restore damaged DNA. Imagine the combination. Mind blowing!

The ”To Do” in brief if you want to go for a quick fix, eat tons of greens. In tons, meaning the amounts you would have to intake by form of a smoothie, to even get close. I would strongly recommend to read the books, as it both gives great tips on recipes as well as ”do’s and don’ts”.

Regardless of its not been proved to prolong life, to me its been a valuable lesson of positive effects of greens. Nowadays I include it in my daily diet as smoothies, or when traveling I bring dry greens and mix with fresh juice.

Long live a long and healthy life!

grekland cuttad

Green for Life grönt för livet





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