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This would give the elevator ONE HUNDRED times the tensile

Scaled up to along a football field, it would still be only a micrometer across — smaller than the usual red blood cell. Would you trust your life to that thread? ”

JAXA will not be letting this phase them however and are also endeavouring to stick to their plan of completing space Elevator by 2050: “current technology levels are not yet sufficient to realise the idea, but our plan is practical.

A team led by Professor Alan Windle along at the University of Cambridge have mastered to combine several nanotubes for making a weave.. If it were a meter [sic] extended, it would be 10 nanometers wide, or just a few times thicker than the usual DNA double helix.

”This is another Home Lifts Suppliers example involving Schindler’s commitment to providing digital and urban mobility ways of shape smart cities of the future. The interlocking carbon-to-carbon covalent bonds form one massive molecule that may be very difficult to break. This would give the elevator ONE HUNDRED times the tensile strength of steel for that same diameter