Det går bra för Bob Dylan – Svenska Akademiens Litteraturpriset tog han hem i dag!

Bob Dylan fick idag Torsdag 13-10-16 årets Nobelpris i litteratur som delas ut av Svenska Akademien.

– Han har skapat nya poetiska uttryck inom den stora amerikanska sångtraditionen, motiverade den ständiga sekreteraren Sara Danius beslutet efter tillkännagivandet.

3936614 Bob Dylan, August 28, 1969. COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES
Bob Dylan, August 28, 1969. COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

Bob Dylan, född Robert Allen Zimmerman den 24 maj 1941 i Duluth, Minnesota, är en amerikansk singer-songwriter, författare, regissör, poet, gitarrist, keyboardist samt munspelare, vid senare tid programledare i radio.


Född: 24 maj 1941 (ålder 75), Duluth, Minnesota, USA
Längd: 1,71 m

6357467 STOCKHOLM 2016-10-13. Sara Danius, Secretary of the Swedish Academy, presents this years Nobel Prize laureate for Literature, US musician Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman). ------------------- Svenska Akademiens ständiga sekreterare Sara Danius presenterar årets Nobelpristagare i litteratur, Bob Dylan. COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

6357468 STOCKHOLM 2016-10-13. Sara Danius, Secretary of the Swedish Academy, presents this years Nobel Prize laureate for Literature, US musician Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman). ------------------- Svenska Akademiens ständiga sekreterare Sara Danius presenterar årets Nobelpristagare i litteratur, Bob Dylan. COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES
STOCKHOLM 2016-10-13. Sara Danius, Secretary of the Swedish Academy, presents this years Nobel Prize laureate for Literature, US musician Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman). ——————- Svenska Akademiens ständiga sekreterare Sara Danius presenterar årets Nobelpristagare i litteratur, Bob Dylan. COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

6357468 STOCKHOLM 2016-10-13. Sara Danius, Secretary of the Swedish Academy, presents this years Nobel Prize laureate for Literature, US musician Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman). ------------------- Svenska Akademiens ständiga sekreterare Sara Danius presenterar årets Nobelpristagare i litteratur, Bob Dylan. COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

Vid lunchtid meddelades att årets Nobelpristagaren i litteratur blev den amerikanska musikern och låtskrivaren Bob Dylan.

Applåder och jubel utbröt när Svenska Akademiens ständiga sekreterare Sara Danius presenterade namn och motivering för utnämningen.

– Han har skapat nya poetiska uttryck inom den stora amerikanska sångtraditionen, sa Sara Danius under presskonferensen. Det var stor enighet kring beslutet.


6357476 STOCKHOLM 2016-10-13. Sara Danius, Secretary of the Swedish Academy, presents this years Nobel Prize laureate for Literature, US musician Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman). ------------------- Svenska Akademiens ständiga sekreterare Sara Danius presenterar årets Nobelpristagare i litteratur, Bob Dylan. COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES
6357477 STOCKHOLM 2016-10-13. Sara Danius, Secretary of the Swedish Academy, presents this years Nobel Prize laureate for Literature, US musician Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman). ------------------- Svenska Akademiens ständiga sekreterare Sara Danius presenterar årets Nobelpristagare i litteratur, Bob Dylan. COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

Nobelpriset i litteratur har delats ut sedan 1901.

Totalt har 108 pris delats ut och bara 14 pristagare har varit kvinnor.


Litteraturpriset delas ut i Stockholms konserthus på Nobeldagen den 10 december. Prissumman är på åtta miljoner kronor.


3936615 BOB DYLAN American Singer and Songwriter COMPULSORY CREDIT: Starstock/Photoshot Photo PHPS 148741 01.09.1967 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

Den 75-årige rockpoeten Bob Dylan har under många år förekommit i förhandsspekulationerna men få har sett honom som en seriös kandidat till priset.


Mycket av Bob Dylans hyllade musik skapades på 1960-talet, och han har totalt spelat in över 40 skivor.

Bland hans mer kända låtar återfinns de politiska protestsångerna ”Blowin’ in the Wind” och ”The Times They Are A-Changin”.

290801 27th April 1965: American folk singers, Bob Dylan and Joan Baez at the Savoy in London. Bob is on tour in the UK. Photo: Code: 4034/095082_4265 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES
27th April 1965: American folk singers, Bob Dylan and Joan Baez at the Savoy in London. Bob is on tour in the UK. COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES


År 2000 fick Bob Dylan det svenska Polarpriset.

Han har även fått en Oscar för låten ”Things Have Changed”, från filmen ”Wonder Boys”.


290844 1978; Renaldo And Clara. Original Film Title: Renaldo And Clara, PICTURED: BOB DYLAN, Director: Bob Dylan, IN CAST: Bob Dylan, Joan Baez. Photo: Zuma Press Code: 4014 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES
1978; Renaldo And Clara. Original Film Title: Renaldo And Clara, PICTURED: BOB DYLAN, Director: Bob Dylan, IN CAST: Bob Dylan, Joan Baez.  COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES
290873 1970s photo: American folk singer, Bob Dylan. Born Albert Zimmermann on May 24th 1941. Photo: Uppa Code: 4034/B196_095082 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES
1970s photo: American folk singer, Bob Dylan. Born Albert Zimmermann on May 24th 1941. Photo: COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

290881 FILE: Bob Dylan follk singer. Photo: Code: 4034/B196_095082 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

290891 Bob Dylan 1965. Photo: Code: 4034/B196_095082 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

291115 Bob Dylan follk singer and Joan Baez April 1965. Photo: Code: 4034/B196_095082 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

291355 1966. Bob Dylan. Photo: Code: 4034/B196_093515 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

291342 1980s photo of American folk singer, Bob Dylan, born Albert Zimmermann on May 24th 1941 in Minnesota, USA. Photo: Code: 4034/B196_095082 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

2150044 Le legendaire chanteur americain Bob Dylan, 72 ans, a ete decore danslordre dofficier de la legion dhonneur. Cest la ministre de la Culture Aurelie Filippetti, qui lui a remis lesinsignes, soulignant la place particuliere de lartistedans le coeur des francais. La ceremonie sest deroulee au Ministere de laCulture, le 13 novembre 2013, devant un nombre limite dinvitesdont son ami Hugues Aufray. Paris, le 13 novembre 2013 Legendary US singer Bob Dylan, 72, awarded by Frances minister of cultureAurélie Filippetti, by the highest Officier distinction of Legion dHonneur in Paris on 13rd November, 2013. COPYRIGHT FAMEFLYNET
Paris on 13rd November, 2013.

1568523 President Barack Obama awards the the Presidential Medal of Freedom to singer/songwriter Bob Dylan during a ceremony in the East Room at the White House in Washington on May 29, 2012. The Medal of Freedom is our Nation?s highest civilian honor, presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors. UPI/Kevin Dietsch Photo: KEIVN DIETSCH/UPI Code: 4056/WAP20120529304 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES Photo: KEIVN DIETSCH/UPI Code: 4056/WAP20120529304 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

1568530 President Barack Obama awards the the Presidential Medal of Freedom to singer/songwriter Bob Dylan during a ceremony in the East Room at the White House in Washington on May 29, 2012. The Medal of Freedom is our Nation?s highest civilian honor, presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors. UPI/Kevin Dietsch Photo: KEIVN DIETSCH/UPI Code: 4056/WAP20120529301 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES Photo: KEIVN DIETSCH/UPI Code: 4056/WAP20120529301 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES

1568549 President Barack Obama awards the the Presidential Medal of Freedom to singer/songwriter Bob Dylan during a ceremony in the East Room at the White House in Washington on May 29, 2012. The Medal of Freedom is our Nation?s highest civilian honor, presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors. UPI/Kevin Dietsch Photo: KEIVN DIETSCH/UPI Code: 4056/WAP20120529303 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES Photo: KEIVN DIETSCH/UPI Code: 4056/WAP20120529303 COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES
President Barack Obama awards the the Presidential Medal of Freedom to singer/songwriter Bob Dylan during a ceremony in the East Room at the White House in Washington on May 29, 2012. The Medal of Freedom is our Nations highest civilian honor, presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors. COPYRIGHT STELLA PICTURES



Lisa Sjödahl


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