Nathalie Söderqvist / actress
Me and Katina at The Grove.

Me and Katina at The Grove.

Tiden bara rusar iväg. Lägg till det att alla jämt har fullt upp, att avstånden är stora och bilköerna oändliga. Vips så kan det ha gått ett halvår, ett år eller till och med två utan att man lyckats hitta en tid som funkar att ses. Helt sjukt! Men häromveckan fick vi äntligen till det, jag och Katina. Vi har känt varandra sen jag flyttade till LA; vi gick samma veckolånga workshop med show cases och sen flyttade hon till LA ungefär ett halvår efter mig. Men sedan dess har vi inte lyckats ses mer än en handfull gånger.

Vi sågs på The Grove. Jag gillar verkligen det stället; blir glad varje gång jag kommer dit. Det känns som ett litet Disneyland. Förra gången vi sågs träffades vi där också och vi gick dessutom till samma ställe nu för att prata om allt som hänt sen sist. Och nu ska det förhoppningsvis inte dröja lika länge till nästa gång vi ses. Peppar peppar.


Time do fly. Add to that that everybody is constantly busy, LA is a big city and the traffic jams endless. All of a sudden six months, a year or even two years have past and you haven’t been able to find a time that works for both of you. Insane! But the other week it finally happened! I met up with Katina, whom I’ve known since I moved to LA. We took the same industry intensive workshop and then she moved to LA about six months after me. But since then we’ve only been able to meet up a handful of times.

We met up at The Grove. I really like that place; it makes me happy. It feels like a tiny Disneyland. Last time we also met there and we even went to the same restaurant as last time to catch up. And hopefully it won’t take us that long to make it happen again. Fingers crossed.


View from The Grove's parking structure with The Grove in the foreground and Century City at the far end.

View from The Grove’s parking structure with The Grove in the foreground and Century City at the far end.


View from The Grove's parking structure towards Hollywood Hills.

View from The Grove’s parking structure towards Hollywood Hills and the Hollywood sign.


View from The Grove's parking structure towards Downtown.

View from The Grove’s parking structure towards Downtown.




Ghost or just scary? This was my first look, but then they changed their mind and I turned into something else.

Ghost or just scary? This was my first look, but then they changed their mind and I turned into something else.

Musikvideos är roligt att göra, även fast det ofta är långa dagar, för man hamnar nästan jämt på ställen man aldrig skulle komma till annars och får göra saker som man annars inte skulle göra. Den här gången var vi i öknen i Lancaster, ca 1,5 timmes bilfärd (utan trafik) norr om Hollywood. Den sista halvtimmen åker man på jordvägar och det är bara öken och öken och ibland dyker det upp något enstaka hus. Platsen där vi filmade har använts i flera filmsammanhang och det kan man förstå. Det är ett otroligt vackert och spännande landskap.

Jag får inte berätta några detaljer om inspelningen, men så snart videon är släppt lägger jag upp den här på bloggen. med lite bilder från inspelningen.


Music videos are fun to do, even though the days are long, because you often end up at places you never would see otherwise and get to do things you wouldn’t do at a film or TV job. This time we filmed in the desert outside Lancaster, about a 1.5 hour drive (without traffic) north of Hollywood. The last half hour of the drive you travel on dirt roads and everywhere is just the desert and occasionally a house. The location we were at has been used in may TV and film production, which isn’t hard to understand; it’s an incredibly beautiful and interesting landscape.

I can’t tell you any details about the shoot, but as soon as the video is released I will post it here along with some photos from the shoot.


Here we shot one scene.

Here we shot one scene.


Fascinating and beautiful rocks.

Fascinating and beautiful rocks.


The make up trailer.

The make up trailer.


The desert.

The desert.


Sunset over the desert.

Sunset over the desert.



Red carpet at the Grand Opening of Allure Banquet.

Red carpet at the Grand Opening of Allure Banquet.

Min goda vän Kim frågade om jag ville följa med henne på öppningsgalan av Allure Banquet som sponsrades av bland annat Latin Hollywood Films. Självklart tackade jag ja. Vi bjöds på mat och dryck och underhållning i form av sångaren Karen Boksian och Angelo Pagans salsaband. Eventet firade inte bara öppnandet av festlokalen, utan de hade även en välgörenhetsauktion till förmån för The Joy Foundation.


My friend Kim asked me if I wanted to go with her to the Grand Opening of Allure Banquet, partly sponsored by Latin Hollywood Films. Of course I said yes. We were treated with food and drinks and entertainment by the singer Karen Boksian and Angelo Pagan’s salsa band. The event did not only celebrate the opening of the Banquet facility; there was also a charity auction to benefit The Joy Foundation.


The founders cutting the red ribbon.

The founders cutting the red ribbon.


A lot of celebrities came to support Allure Banquet and The Joy Foundation. Here comedian Paul Rodriguez is being interviewed.

A lot of celebrities came to support Allure Banquet and The Joy Foundation. Here comedian Paul Rodriguez is being interviewed.


Me and Kim at the red carpet.

Me and Kim at the red carpet.


The founders of Allure Banquet was awarded for their work.

The founders of Allure Banquet was awarded for their work.


Me, Kim and the actress sisters Veronica and Andrea.

Me, Kim and the actress sisters Veronica and Andrea.


The salsa band.

The salsa band with Angelo Pagan.


The invitation to the grand opening of Allure Banquet.

The invitation to the grand opening of Allure Banquet.




Magnus Roosman as Mattis on the cover of the porgram leaflet.

Magnus Roosman as Mattis on the cover of the porgram leaflet.

I lördags var det premiär på Fåglarna på Dramatens scen Elverket och jag var där. Pjäsen är en dramatisering av romanen med samma namn, skriven av den norske författaren Tarjei Vesaas 1957 och uppsättningen regisserades av Ole Anders Tandberg. Huvudrollerna spelades av Magnus Roosman och Melinda Kinnaman. Tarjei Vesaas skrev även många dikter, vilket avspeglas i pjäsen som är full av drömska, diktlika monologer. Scenografin var stilren och vacker och man jobbade även med effektfulla projektioner.


This past Saturday I attended the opening night of the play Fåglarna (The Birds) at the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm. The play is an adaption of a novel, written by the Norwegian author Tarjei Vesaas in 1957 and was directed by Ole Anders Tandberg. The lead roles were played by Magnus Roosman and Melinda Kinnaman. Tarjei Vesaas also wrote a lot of poems, which was visible in the many dreamy, poem like monologues. The stage design was stylish, clean and beautiful and they also used impactful projections.

Outside Elverket, excited to see the play Fåglarna.

Outside Elverket, excited to see the play Fåglarna.


Magnus Roosman and Sofia Pekkari starring in Fåglarna.

Marcus Vögeli and Sofia Pekkari as The Boy and The Girl in Fåglarna.


The theatre was sold out.

The theatre was sold out.


A red and yellow line to guide you to your seat.

A red and yellow line to guide you to your seat.


The performance is soon about to start. On stage: Magnus Roosman and Melinda Kinnaman as Mattis and Hege.

The performance is soon about to start. On stage: Magnus Roosman and Melinda Kinnaman as Mattis and Hege.


The ensemble and the creative team receiving the audience's praise.

The ensemble and the creative team receiving the audience’s praise.


The actors and the creative team on stage after the performance.

The actors and the creative team on stage after the performance.


Elverket is one of the Royal Dramatic Theatre's stages.

Elverket is one of the Royal Dramatic Theatre’s stages.



The first scene of the day with Marcus.

The first scene of the day with Marcus.

Lite hastigt och lustigt åkte jag hem till Stockholm för att spela in en reklamfilm. Åtta timmar efter att jag landat på Arlanda var jag på plats i Saltsjö-Duvnäs utanför Stockholm redo för dagens äventyr. Den första scenen spelade vi in utomhus. Våren är på väg till Stockholm, men just den här morgonen var det lite solfattigt och kyligt. I filmen ska det vara senvår/sommar, så vi kunde inte ha några varma kläder på oss under tagningarna, men så fort kameran var avstängd kom kostymören Emma med varma jackor till oss. Dock hade vi det inte värst kan ju tilläggas; statisterna hade bara badlakan på sig… Som tur var spelade vi in resten av scenerna inne i huset.


All of a sudden I had to leave LA to go to Stockholm, Sweden, for a commercial shoot. Eight hours after landing at the airport I was on set in Saltsjö-Duvnäs outside Stockholm ready for the adventure of the day. The first scene was shot outside. The spring is on its way to Stockholm, but this morning the sun didn’t show up so it was a bit chilly. In the commercial it’s supposed to be summer, so we couldn’t wear any warm clothes during the takes, but as soon as the director said ”cut” the wardrobe stylist Emma came running with warm winter coats. Though, it was worse for the extras, who only wore bath towels… Luckily the rest of the day we got be inside.


The team preparing for the next scene.

The team preparing for the next scene.


As you can see, it was a bit chilly, but it will look as summer in the final edit.

As you can tell, it was a bit chilly outside, but it will look as summer in the final edit.


The hair and make up of the day.

The hair and make up of the day.


Loved make up artist Mikael's sweater. He made it himself!

Loved make up artist Mikael’s sweater. He made it himself!


Beautiful staircase at the location.

Beautiful staircase at the location.


Look what I found in one of the closets ;)

Look what I found in one of the closets 😉






The Hotel Cafe

The Hotel Cafe in Hollywood.

The Hotel Cafe in Hollywood.

The Hotel Cafe i Hollywood är en av Los Angeles mest populära musikscener – ungefär som Mosebacke i Stockholm – med flera uppträdanden varje kväll. Jag och Maria gick dit en kväll för att lyssna på Marias kompis Erick och hans band. De spelade i den nyöppnade delen ”2nd Stage”, en lite mindre och intimare lokal än huvudscenen. Jag var ganska trött när jag kom dit efter en vecka med tidiga morgnar och sena kvällar, men när de började spela var tröttheten som bortblåst och konserten, som var en timme lång, var slut alldeles för snabbt…


The Hotel Cafe in Hollywood is one of Los Angeles’ most popular music venues; they have several performances each night. I and Maria went there to listen to Maria’s friend Erick and his band. The performed in the newer part of the venue, ”2nd Stage”, which is smaller and more intimate than the main stage. I was pretty tired when I got there due to a week of early mornings and late nights, but when they started playing I forgot all about that and the concert, which lasted an hour, ended way to fast…


Erick Macek at The Hotel Café.

Erick Macek’s poster at The Hotel Cafe.


Maria and I waiting for the concert to start.

Maria and I waiting for the concert to start.


Erick Macek and his band.

Erick Macek and his band.


Maria, Erick and I after the concert.

Maria, Erick and I after the concert.


Erick Macek in action.

Erick Macek in action.


hotelcafe (5)

A great concert!






Oscars Party

Red carpet at the Swedish Oscars Party.

Red carpet at the Swedish Oscars Party.


I söndags var det storslagen Oscarsgala i Hollywood och jag såg den på den officiella svenska festen som ordnades av SACC-LA (Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce Los Angeles) i samarbete med Svenska Ambassaden i Washington. Festen hölls på The District by Hannah An i Beverly Hills och kvällens höjdpunkt var förstås Alicia Vikanders vinst för bästa kvinnliga biroll och Eva von Bahrs och Love Larsons delade andra plats för bästa make up och hår.


This past Sunday the Academy Awards was held in Hollywood and I watched the gala at the official Swedish Oscars Party, arranged by SACC-LA (Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce Los Angeles) and the Embassy of Sweden. The party was held at The District by Hannah An in Beverly Hills and the highlight of the evening was of course the Swedish nominees Eva von Bahr and Love Larson for Make Up and Hair and Alicia Vikander’s Best Actress in a Supporting Role.


The Swedish ambassdor Bjorn Lyrvall is welcoming everybody to the event.

The Swedish ambassdor Björn Lyrvall is welcoming everybody to the event.


The president of SACC-LA Gudrun Giddings.

Chris Rock and the president of SACC-LA, Gudrun Giddings.


Red carpet at the Swedish Oscars Party.

Working my outfit on the red carpet…


Carl-Petter, Kerstin and I in the viewing room with a lot of other Swedes.

Carl-Petter, Kerstin and I having a good time in the viewing room with a lot of other Swedes.


The roof lifted when it was announced that Alicia Vikander won Best Actress in a Supporting Role.

The roof literally lifted when Alicia Vikander was announced as the winner of Best Actress in a Supporting Role.


Alicia Vikander, Best Actress in a Supporting Role 2015.

Alicia Vikander, Best Actress in a Supporting Role 2015.


Presentation of Eva von Bahr and Love Larson, nominated for Best Make Up and Hair for "The hundred year old man..."

Presentation of Eva von Bahr and Love Larson, nominated for Best Make Up and Hair for their work on ”The 100-year-old man who climbed out the window and disappeared” starring Robert Gustafsson.


A late dinner after the award ceremony at The District by Hannah An.

A late dinner with Birgitta, Carl-Petter and Mikael after watching the award ceremony at The District by Hannah An in Beverly Hills.




Oscars 2016

Hollywood is getting ready for the Oscars.

Hollywood is getting ready for the Oscars.


Idag är det äntligen dags för Oscarsgalan – årets event här i Hollywood. Förberedelserna har pågått hela veckan och igår var jag och Maria på plats för att se hur det gick för dem med röda mattor, Oscarstatyer och repetitioner. Årets tema verkar vara trianglar och slogan i år är: ”We all dream in gold.” – ”Vi drömmer alla i guld.”

I år kommer jag att se galan på SACC-LA:s Oscars party och så klart hålla tummarna för de nominerade från våra nordiska länder 🙂


Today it’s finally the Academy Awards – the event of the year here in Hollywood. The preparations have been going on all week and yesterday I and Maria was there to see how they were doing with red carpets, Oscar statues and rehearsals. The theme of the years seems to be triangles and this year’s slogan is: ”We all dream in gold.”

This year I’ll be watching the gala at SACC-LA:s Oscars Party and will of course cross my fingers for the nominees from the Nordic countries 🙂


The Dolby Theatre.

The Dolby Theatre.


Here the stars will arrive tomorrow; the beginning of the red carpet.

Here the stars will be arriving tonight; the beginning of the red carpet.


Chris Rock is the host of the award ceremony and this year's slogan is "We all dream in gold."

Chris Rock is the host of the award ceremony and this year’s slogan is ”We all dream in gold.”


Behind the scenes of the Oscar.

Behind the scenes of the Oscar.


Preparations in progress.

Preparations in progress.


Preparations in progress...

A lot of people are working behind the scenes to make everything happen.


Preparations in progress.

Tonight the bleechers will be packed with fans.





The entrance.

The entrance to the theatre.


The entrance from above.

The entrance from above.


The soon to be red carpet.

The (soon to be unveiled) red carpet.


The stairs that lead up to the theatre.

The stairs leading up to the theatre.


Mr Oscar.

Mr Oscar.


I'd be this happy if I won an Oscar...

”I want to thank my family…”


Rehearsals in progress.

Rehearsals in progress.


Maria and I are trying to pull off our celebrity looks.

Maria and I are trying to pull off our celebrity looks.


Who will win Best Feature Film 2015?

Who will win Best Feature Film 2015?



Preparing for a shot in the ad agency.

Preparing for a shot at the ad agency.


Nu i veckan jobbade jag tre dagar på en norsk långfilm som delvis spelas in här i Los Angeles. Jag spelade en ”ad agency executive” på reklambyrån där filmen tar sin början.


This past week I worked three days on a Norwegian feature film that, partly, is shot here in Los Angeles. I play an ”ad agency executive” at the ad agency where the story begins.


With Daniel and Adam, who played my co-executive respectively our client.

With Daniel and Adam, who played my co-executive respectively our client.


One shot in the lobby was filmed through a mobile phone.

One shot in the lobby was filmed through a mobile phone, which is being set up in the background.



Beautiful landscape surrounding Firestone winery.

A beautiful landscape surrounding Firestone’s vineyard.


Norr om Santa Barbara ligger Santa Barbaras vindistrikt. Otroligt vackert! Kanske inte lika känt som Napa Valley, men det görs många bra viner här också. Främst är området berömt för sin pinot noir, mycket tack vare filmen ”Sideways” som spelades in här. Förutom att åka runt till de olika vingårdarna och provsmaka viner finns det även tasting rooms i byarna i området, som Solvang och Los Olivos.


North of Santa Barbara you find Santa Barbara Wine Country. Amazingly beautiful! It may not be as famous as Napa Valley, but a lot of great wines are produced here as well. The area is most known for its pinot noir, thanks to the movie ”Sideways” that was filmed here. The many vineyards have wine tasting, but there are also tasting rooms in the villages in the area, like Solvang and Los Olivos.


Fess Parker vineyard.

At Fess Parker vineyard.


Wine tasting at Foxen 7200 winery.

Tasting amazing wines at Foxen 7200 winery.


Happy cows in Santa Barbara Wine Country.

Happy cows in Santa Barbara Wine Country.


Sparkling wine tasting at Riverbench winery.

Sparkling wine tasting at Riverbench winery.


The picturesque Danish village Solvang.

The picturesque Danish village Solvang.


Wine tasting in Solvang.

Wine tasting at Santé tasting room in Solvang.

So many more vineyards to visit...

So many more vineyards to visit…


Enjoying the sun after a wine tasting at Fess Parker Winery.

Enjoying the sun after a wine tasting at Fess Parker Winery.





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