The first scene of the day with Marcus.

The first scene of the day with Marcus.

Lite hastigt och lustigt åkte jag hem till Stockholm för att spela in en reklamfilm. Åtta timmar efter att jag landat på Arlanda var jag på plats i Saltsjö-Duvnäs utanför Stockholm redo för dagens äventyr. Den första scenen spelade vi in utomhus. Våren är på väg till Stockholm, men just den här morgonen var det lite solfattigt och kyligt. I filmen ska det vara senvår/sommar, så vi kunde inte ha några varma kläder på oss under tagningarna, men så fort kameran var avstängd kom kostymören Emma med varma jackor till oss. Dock hade vi det inte värst kan ju tilläggas; statisterna hade bara badlakan på sig… Som tur var spelade vi in resten av scenerna inne i huset.


All of a sudden I had to leave LA to go to Stockholm, Sweden, for a commercial shoot. Eight hours after landing at the airport I was on set in Saltsjö-Duvnäs outside Stockholm ready for the adventure of the day. The first scene was shot outside. The spring is on its way to Stockholm, but this morning the sun didn’t show up so it was a bit chilly. In the commercial it’s supposed to be summer, so we couldn’t wear any warm clothes during the takes, but as soon as the director said ”cut” the wardrobe stylist Emma came running with warm winter coats. Though, it was worse for the extras, who only wore bath towels… Luckily the rest of the day we got be inside.


The team preparing for the next scene.

The team preparing for the next scene.


As you can see, it was a bit chilly, but it will look as summer in the final edit.

As you can tell, it was a bit chilly outside, but it will look as summer in the final edit.


The hair and make up of the day.

The hair and make up of the day.


Loved make up artist Mikael's sweater. He made it himself!

Loved make up artist Mikael’s sweater. He made it himself!


Beautiful staircase at the location.

Beautiful staircase at the location.


Look what I found in one of the closets ;)

Look what I found in one of the closets 😉