Nathalie Söderqvist / actress

Will Smith på förhandsvisning av Concussion

Q&A with Will Smith and Albert Brooks after the screening of "Concussion".

Q&A with Will Smith and Albert Brooks after the screening of ”Concussion”.


I helgen var jag på förhandsvisning av ”Concussion”, som har premiär på juldagen. Filmen baserar sig på en sann historia och handlar om Dr Bennet Omalu, en neuropatolog som upptäckte CET, en hjärnskada som många som spelar amerikansk fotboll får. En intressant och viktig film. Efter visningen var det Q&A med två av skådespelarna: Will Smith och Albert Brooks. Det blev många skratt, men jag inspirerades också av vad de berättade om sina erfarenheter som skådespelare i den här filmen och andra. Stort tack!


Last week I went to a pre-screening of ”Concussion”, that will have theatrical release on December 25th. The movie is based on a true story about Dr. Bennet Omalu, a forensic neuropathologist who made the first discovery of CET, a football-related brain trauma, in a pro player. A very interesting and important movie. After the screening there was a Q&A with two of the actors: Will Smith and Albert Brooks. We all got to laugh a lot during the Q&A, but I also got inspired by things they told about their acting careers. Such a treat! I’m honored!


Q&A with Will Smith and Albert Brooks after the screening of "Concussion".

Inspiring Q&A with Will Smith and Albert Brooks after the screening of ”Concussion”.


Q&A with Will Smith and Albert Brooks after the screening of "Concussion".

Another funny story is being told at the Q&A with Will Smith and Albert Brooks after the screening of ”Concussion”.


Will Smith's people wouldn't let him take photos with anyone after the Q&A, but here we are ;)

Will Smith’s people wouldn’t let him take photos with anyone after the Q&A, but here we are 😉





1 kommentar

  1. Lisa Sjödahl

    wow Nathalie! Det skulle vara så kul om du kunde börja intervjua Hollywoodkändisar i din blogg 🙂


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