Lena Terlutter @Stylight Fashion Influencer Awards in Berlin

Shortly after the award ceremony of Stylight Fashion Influencer Awards in Berlin, we met Lena Terlutter, the German fashion inspiration and multiple store owner who was nominated for Best Celebrity Style. She is well known in the German fashion environment and she is also a master of social media with 112 000 followers on instagram. In all probability we will see more of her in the rest of the world soon too. She tells us about her secret to getting everything to go together and reveal their thoughts for the future.

berlin 11 Lena Terlutter @Stylight Fashion Influencer Awards in Berlin

You thus operates throughout the four stores in Cologne. Boutique Belgique, BB Loves Super Store and Salon Sahnestück. How do you operate all? Do you have any secret?

– My husband is my secret! He ran the store himself before and we have that common interest. He works with all the financial and I make it creative and manages all purchases, maknadsföringen, signs and so on. He does everything behind and I do it one looks quite easily. We have a lot of work and we share it 50/50.

It’s rare that you manage to be partners in both work and love and complement each other so well! It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between private life and work? That you are sitting on a date and just talk business?

– Well it happens, though it is not just our job, it’s our life and our lifestyle. It is our shared passion and we love to do it here. We’re not talking about jobs, we’re talking about our dream!

So all your stores located in Cologne that your book Cologne’s Got Style (Cologne Has Style) is also dedicated. How will the love of that particular city?

– Yes shops are located almost on the same street! I can run between all the stores every day. Both me and my husband was born there. I am a true Colognetjej and we love the city. We are all human beings and can all places inside and out. Cologne is not known for its fashion and I wanted to change that. I want to get people to see that we can also style and put us on the map.

What is your book about and how did you write it?

– It is about fashion inside and outside Cologne. We’ve talked around with shop owners, designers, our customers and the people on the street about their style. What they wear on different occasions, what style is for those and other small stories. It’s the people that make the book special.

When you become successful so many want to expand and move to larger cities like New York and Paris. Is there anything you want to do?

– We’ve talked about it but we do not know when or where. Obviously, people have begun to ask whether we should open a store here and there. But right now we have to think about it because we still have family and friends in his hometown and we do not have too much to do and pull us over his head. Ask me later!

Tell us about your unique style that you are famous for!

– Unique I do not know if it is! I’ve only me what I like. Of course I have a lot that is in fashion right now, it’s my job to buy and sell trends. But I like to mix it with classical and personal garments as well. It’s super important to have a basic wardrobe, I think.

What I have understood so looking concept different in your various shops, how do they differ from each other?

– We have a concept store, one for the interior, then two for the fashion one of which has a bit more exclusive labels than the other, and everything is for women!

What can we expect to see in your stores this spring?

– Very denim and very white, combined with lace and pastels. Espadrills and flat shoes, hats, I love hats! A relaxed bohemian style with touches of denim simply.

And the last question is of course; How does it feel to be nominated? You must be so proud!

– Wow really, I was honored when they asked if I wanted to accept the nomination. It was however not about winning. I am very happy to Franzisca Knuppe won because she is a real celebrity here in Germany. I am well known in the fashion industry here and on instagram, but when it’s a celebrity category, then it is clear that she will take it home. I am so grateful to be nominated and have had great fun here at Stylight Awards!


Visit Lena’s homepage

Visit Lena instagram



Lisa Sjödahl


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