Swede traveling the world

Pizza my love

Since it’s only Christmas once a year and I’ve had a tough year emotionally and physically! Particularly losing all that weight I’m taking it a little easy during Christmas week. Yesterday I realized I haven’t had one of my treats in well over a year…pizza! Start using the pre made dough from the store and you’ll have a gorgeous pizza in no time! I went for ricotta, spinach and onions, prosciutto and some Parmesan…yums??!


homemade pizza

 Now I’m off to the gym again, I did Zumba yesterday and today it’s body pump! I also kind of want to get out of the house because the cleaning lady is there and she cleans up a mess before she puts everything back and leaves it in immaculate condition. I love our cleaning lady…bliss is not having touched a vacuum cleaner in three years?.


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