Norwegian top blogger caught cheating!

First Kissie and now Norwegian blogger Caroline!

The Norwegian super blogger Caroline Berg Eriksen, 27 have come under fire after being caught to retouch photos in her blog.
In Sweden, the blogger Alexandra “Kissie” Nilsson was first to get criticism for doing heavily retouch of photos to get her body look slimmer. But over the years, she has gradually outgrown it. She herself says that it is only done in a provocative purpose. Looking however at swarm images later published in her blog, one can clearly see that retouches still is performed, even if not to the same extent as previously.

Since 2009, Caroline Berg Eriksen have pushed one of Norway’s most popular bloggar- “Fotballfrue”. She is married to the Norwegian football player Lars Kristian Eriksen, 31, and the couple has been together daughter Neila 1.5.

Last year, when her readers reacted regarding the images in the blog looked retrospectively edited, Caroline responded “I have neither the knowledge or the time for retouching photos.”

Last Christmas acknowledged, however the famous blogger to her readers’ theories of the images in her blog are retouched correct. Which led to hefty stir in the Norwegian media.

In her blog Caroline writes an explanation  of why she started to retouching the images: ” It depends of an uncertainty that has been built up after many years the public”.




Lisa Sjödahl


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