21 days to sugar control

Is it you or your cupcake that determines whether or when to eat? Sweet tooth sits in the brain and can be trained away!

Of course you know that too much sugar is not good for you, it gives cavities and makes you thick and sour. Maybe you have also heard that combinations of refined sugar, trans fats and salts used in food to trick your taste senses? You know that good taste does not always signaled from the tongue, but your brain has been programmed preferences. The sugar is a tricky foe, who pretend to be your friend – but as always let you down afterwards. It manipulates your mind, kidnap your emotions and make you lose control.

Even though you know all this, then you have probably experienced and succumbed to the strong sweet tooth and marveled afterwards. What happened? How could you then immediately drop everything you know about sugar, all plans to eat healthily, all wise thoughts about moderation? You have felt the shame, guilt and failure, feelings that always follows a sugar bomb but never a fruit salad.

Refined sugar is concentrated energy and your brain needs energy. The problem is that sugar does not saturate, your brain is seduced and constantly wants more of that sweet. What we’re talking about here is a really addictive behavior and it explains why so many people lose control of their sweet cravings.

In fact, the mere knowledge that kladdkakan is the input triggers the same activity in your brain as when alcohol and drug abuse. This has been a professor Nora Wolkow at NIDA, the National Institute of Drug Abuse in the United States, demonstrated in their studies.

Only by understanding what sockertriggern do with you, how it manipulates your mind and take your emotions hostage, you can begin to steer towards new behaviors. You need to build a strong and lucid brain that manages to speak up.


21 days to sugar control

First week: Starting up


Insight is the first step away from all kinds of dependencies. A clear idea of your behavior destroys, it will not take you where you want. And that enough is enough! This first phase is characterized by an inner struggle, you must wrestle against your own brain.
Start by identifying the enemy: What is it you fall there on? Is it the marmalade, chocolate or cookies? Where and when are they? What time do you usually fall through? Sign up.


Once you have identified the sweets that triggers you, you need to clean your home and your life from them. Mercilessly. Go detours around favorite hangout and break room the first week. Avoid alcohol, it is not just full of sugar, but gets you to lose control in general.

Replacing sugar

Just picking out things your brain is constantly crave does not work, you must replace it. We become namely stressed when we are deprived of something and when we are stressed, we want to eat because nothing is as soothing as food. Although the brain’s immediate impulse is to not be as happy with the alternative – for example, a fruit salad – you will avoid the stress. You feel less frustrated. With time you will feel satisfied – good luck!



Lisa Sjödahl


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